Soulmates, Teammates & Cellmates

Soulmates, Teammates & Cellmates

Living a healthy Christian life, empowered by the Hero Within, means developing discernment about relationships and connections we form. It’s easy to assume that every connection we make within our church communities or ministries is the beginning of a lifelong friendship. However, not everyone you make a connection with is forever. There are also some connections that aren’t healthy and need to be broken.

The Perfect Gift

The Perfect Gift

Gifts are often viewed as either the best or most stressful part of the Christmas season. Perhaps, like in the hilarious movie National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, our expectations can be set high only to end up with a Jelly of the Month club subscription. It could be the pressure of wanting to give the perfect gift or being able to find it; either way, when we get down to it, gifts are a big deal. I don’t have a gift shopping guide for you, but I do want to talk to you about the greatest gift you could ever receive. You may not be able to afford designer labels, but you do have access to the perfect gift that exceeds all, Jesus Christ. He is the perfect and only gift worth celebrating for Christmas.